Broadway Family Dental Centre

Broadway Family Dental Centre is firmly committed to helping protect the health and safety of our patients and staff. We are closely monitoring the changing situation, and complying with Public Health guidance.

We expect to be ready for opening soon, and excitedly await for instruction from the Provincial Health Officer about when businesses can open.

This health crisis is new to all of us, and we are taking many steps in an effort to create a safe environment for our patients and staff. These are some of the steps we are taking to protect your health during the COVID19 pandemic:

  • Waiting room chairs are spaced for social / physical distancing
  • Patients encouraged to come into the office with face coverings
  • Enclosed room for aerosol generating procedures
  • Regular sanitization of equipment and waiting/common areas
  • Hand hygiene stations
  • Plexiglass shields in reception area
  • Prescreening with our patients and staff
  • Staff are equipped with enhanced Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as N95 mask equivalents or better
  • Hepa air purifiers with UV-C light technology 
  • Additional time scheduled between patients to avoid a busy waiting area
  • No overlapping of patient appointments
  • Staff is scheduled with social distancing in mind

    Please call us to find out how we can help you get back to addressing your oral health needs in these unique and challenging times.

What are we doing?